Why fibre is so important?


As a nutritionist I talk to my clients regularly about the importance of fibre. I have also discussed in this article different types of fibre and prebiotics before. Most people will say “Of course fibre is important, we all know that.  It helps make you poo!” Well yes it does help you to pass bowel [...]

Why fibre is so important?2024-08-05T05:00:46+00:00

New Year Detox Programs by Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart


Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart is reviving her much loved 4 Week Detox Program! You can choose to do this in person or online. This is a 1:1 program not a group program.     What to expect: In Person Package – Valued at $360 Discounted price $280: Full initial consultation with detailed health history – [...]

New Year Detox Programs by Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart2023-01-07T22:47:11+00:00

Digestive Enzymes….Why Do We Need Them?


What are digestive enzymes? As part of our digestive process our stomach cells and pancreatic cells produce enzymes which break down food particles. There are certain digestive enzymes specific to different food groups ie there are different enzymes to specifically break down fats, carbohydrates, proteins etc. Digestive enzymes in supplement form are these different enzymes [...]

Digestive Enzymes….Why Do We Need Them?2022-05-27T01:28:32+00:00

How To Support Your Body Post Festive Season


Megan Crockart | Balancing Nutrition I’ve had clients uncertain as to whether they should do a detox or not, especially around this time of year.  Some clients want to lose some weight and don’t know where to start first.  In most cases I feel a detox is a great way to start weight loss. A detox [...]

How To Support Your Body Post Festive Season2021-01-01T23:29:40+00:00

What is Intermittent Fasting?


by Megan Crockart | Balancing Nutrition The term Intermittent Fasting (IF) has been around since 2012, although fasting of various types has been around since at least 5th century BC or longer and is regularly performed by many religions. The term IF means that we fast for a certain period of time each day eg. [...]

What is Intermittent Fasting?2020-06-29T04:18:01+00:00

Vive Health – Nutritionist – Megan Crockart


        Megan has always held an interest in food (a self confessed "Foodie" but also years of home cooking) along with health, fitness and exercise.  Megan was drawn to natural therapies as they can be used for so many conditions, not just one illness/condition with rarely the side effects pharmaceutical drugs have, [...]

Vive Health – Nutritionist – Megan Crockart2018-06-16T01:00:38+00:00

Supercharge your Immunity with Lactoferrin


Leia Mulroy | Clinical Nutritionist Book your Consultation with Leia today Lactoferrin, the forgotten little protein that has been hiding in breast milk and other mammals milk since the beginning of time. It is a natural multi-functional protein known to have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing activity (2). There is some seriously impressive research on lactoferrin, [...]

Supercharge your Immunity with Lactoferrin2018-04-16T03:48:23+00:00

The Importance of Stomach Acid in Digestive Health


by Mindy Duncan | Clinical Naturopath We talk a lot about the importance of good digestive health here at Vive. Why pre-biotics are essential, which probiotics are most beneficial for certain conditions & generally how to optimise your microbiome. However, one aspect of digestive function that often gets overlooked is stomach (gastric) acid and its importance [...]

The Importance of Stomach Acid in Digestive Health2018-01-07T13:19:24+00:00

10 Day Reset Detox Program | Nutritionist Leia Mulroy


10 Day Reset Detox Program   Treat your self this holiday break by signing up to my 10 day Reset Detox program. Maybe you have over indulged, feeling a little bit fatigued, bloated and just ugh? Or maybe this is just what you need to kick start 2018 and feel amazing! The 10-day plan is [...]

10 Day Reset Detox Program | Nutritionist Leia Mulroy2017-12-29T01:37:26+00:00

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)


  by Leia Mulroy (Nutritionist) Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is defined as the presence of an abnormally high number of bacteria in the small bowel. What is unique about SIBO is that the excessive numbers of bacteria colonizing the small intestine, a region usually containing few bacterial populations, are the species that are predominantly [...]

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)2017-11-03T04:31:16+00:00
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