Celeste Grisendi
Phone +61 (0)7 33991002
Address 36 Riding Rd Hawthorne Q 4171
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Argentina)
- Diploma in Remedial Massage (Australia)
- Diploma of Postural Correction Global Techniques (Argentina)
- Pregnancy Massage Australia
- Certificate of Birth and Postnatal Doula (Australian Doula Collage)
- Association of Massage Therapist (AMT)
Professional Interests
- Remedial Massage (including Deep Tissue and Relaxation)
- Chronic Pain Management
- Pregnancy Massage
- Deep Tissue & Relaxation Massage
- Trigger Point & Muscle Energy Techniques
- Postnatal Massage

My passion for Health and Well-being started a long time ago when I enrolled in a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. I obtained my degree in 2008 (Argentina) and
worked as a Physiotherapist for over 10 years. Through my career, I developed in areas such as Neurorehabilitation and Posture Alined.
In 2013 I moved to Brisbane with my husband and started working as a Remedial Massage Therapist and Pregnancy Massage Therapist to continue
guiding and improving the health and well-being of my clients through the power of touch. With a deep understanding of human anatomy and a passion
for helping others, I strive to provide effective and personalised treatments that alleviate pain, reduce muscle tension, and promote overall relaxation.
After becoming a mother, I developed a particular interest in Women’s Health and found another passion which led me to certify as an Antenatal, Birth and
Postnatal Doula.