Matt Steinacher
Phone +61 (0)7 33991002
Address 36 Riding Rd Hawthorne Q 4171
GradDip – Sports Nutrition – International Olympic Committee
BHSc – Complementary Medicine – Charles Sturt University
AdvDip – Naturopathy – Australian College Natural Medicine
Dip Clinical Nutrition – Australian College Natural Medicine
Dip Herbal Medicine – Australian Collage Natural Medicine
Professionals in Nutrition for Exercise and Sports (PINES)
Australian Natural Therapy Association (ANTA)
Professional Interests
Evidence based natural medicine
Carbohydrate and lipid oxidation systems
Carbohydrate periodisation for endurance exercise
Hydration and rapid weight loss
Personalised nutrition
Compounding of Nutritional and Herbal Medicines
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A bit about me
Matt is a highly qualified and educated Nutritionist and Naturopath with a personal interest in evidence-based approaches to exercise and sports nutrition. Matt has been actively practicing Natural Medicine for over 20 years.
Matt’s health career began in the fitness industry where he worked as a fitness instructor. It was while working with clients in England (1997) that Matt recognised a considerable variance in performance, achievement and the recovery of individuals. With a desire to help these people achieve, Matt developed a greater interest in nutrition and discovered the value of herbal medicine. In 2000 Matt graduated in Naturopathy from the Australian College of Natural Medicine followed by a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) from Charles Sturt University. More recently, Matt completed the graduate program in Sports Nutrition with the International Olympic Committee.
Matt and his business partner (Marilyn Lemaire) are the founding owners of Vive Clinic which has now been successfully helping clients reach their health requirements for over 16 years.
Looking, feeling and making power, speed and endurance! Matt focuses his clinical work with those that would like help and support to reach their dreams and goals. By bringing together over 20 years of clinical experience of health, fitness, nutrition and herbal medicine, Matt’s passion lies with the concept that we can control our physical and mental performance through the study of epigenetics. He has an active interest in helping people not only look great but to feel amazing with an evidence-based approach to nutrition and training. Matt’s clinical concept is about a complete wellness package where he is committed to helping people not only look fantastic and combat the processes of ageing through helping clients feel strong, motivated and full of energy. With personalised exercise planning and the integration of unique nutrition and wellness concepts, Matt believes he can achieve not only optimal health and wellness for his clients but also speed, power and performance from an evidence-based approach to diet, nutrition and exercise planning.
Matt’s areas of clinical interest include periodised carbohydrate planning for endurance racing along with consideration for true performance gains, immune and energy systems, fatigue prevention, hydration and recovery. He considers nutrition, diet and exercise prescription important components of sports performance and healthy ageing and therefore prescribes within these parameters and values.
With an active interest in personalising clinical prescription, Matt has a strong desire to promote and share his experience and expertise in compounding nutritional supplements. Providing clients with the exact nutritionals required is particularly important for individual treatment plans. Frequently Matt’s clients will receive personalised compounded nutritionals specific for their individual requirements.