Melinda Muston


Make An Appointment

Melinda Muston


Phone: +61 (0)7 33991002
Address: 36 Riding Rd Hawthorne Q 4171


Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)


Australian Natural Therapists Association (ANTA)

Professional Interests

Hormone balancing

Skin Health

Preconception health

Individualised nutritional and herbal compounding

Empowerment through education

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A bit about me

Melinda is a qualified Naturopath, offering a completely individualised and holistic approach. When it comes to working with her clients, she creates a very empathetic & supportive environment, to help achieve their health goals.

Beginning with the strong foundations of a healthy diet, good hydration and a balanced lifestyle, Melinda builds on this knowing that every single person has their own unique requirements, to create a life that supports their health and wellbeing. She has a strong passion for providing education to her clients to assist in their own knowledge and self-care, overall improving their quality of life.

She enjoys all aspects of natural medicine with special interests in hormonal health (such as menstrual cycle irregularities, thyroid health, & stress support), skin health (such as acne, eczema & dermatitis) and pre-conception care (for both partners). Combined with taking the time to understand a detailed health history, Melinda also uses functional and conventional pathology testing to truly understand the cause of her clients’ concerns, and to then provide a completely individualised treatment plan, including bespoke herbal and nutritional compounds.

Melinda has a background with an in-depth experience in functional pathology testing, as well as the research and development of nutritional supplements. This is a valuable understanding to assist her in choosing the bests tests for her client’s needs, and to treat accordingly, creating effective results for her clients.