Why fibre is so important?


As a nutritionist I talk to my clients regularly about the importance of fibre. I have also discussed in this article different types of fibre and prebiotics before. Most people will say “Of course fibre is important, we all know that.  It helps make you poo!” Well yes it does help you to pass bowel [...]

Why fibre is so important?2024-08-05T05:00:46+00:00

All About Gluten Sensitivity


What is gluten?  Gluten is the protein portion of a number of grains. Commonly these are wheat, rye, spelt, kamut and barley. Especially sensitive individuals, including those with Coeliac Disease, will need to avoid standard oats as well due to contamination, being that they are commonly processed along the same lines as gluten containing products. [...]

All About Gluten Sensitivity2023-03-25T03:01:37+00:00

New Year Detox Programs by Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart


Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart is reviving her much loved 4 Week Detox Program! You can choose to do this in person or online. This is a 1:1 program not a group program.     What to expect: In Person Package – Valued at $360 Discounted price $280: Full initial consultation with detailed health history – [...]

New Year Detox Programs by Clinical Nutritionist Megan Crockart2023-01-07T22:47:11+00:00

KFibre | A Clinical Review


At Vive we are quickly becoming impressed by the results achieved with Kfibre. In this blog we will discuss how this Australian grown and made source of dietary fiber is producing such incredible results with a number of common health concerns including constipation, bloating, acid reflux, weight management and blood sugar control. This prebiotic fibre [...]

KFibre | A Clinical Review2022-04-29T23:58:49+00:00

Digestive Enzymes….Why Do We Need Them?


What are digestive enzymes? As part of our digestive process our stomach cells and pancreatic cells produce enzymes which break down food particles. There are certain digestive enzymes specific to different food groups ie there are different enzymes to specifically break down fats, carbohydrates, proteins etc. Digestive enzymes in supplement form are these different enzymes [...]

Digestive Enzymes….Why Do We Need Them?2022-05-27T01:28:32+00:00

Digestive Disturbances Troubling You?


It is rare these days that I come across people who are not experiencing some sort of digestive disturbance such as bloating, flatulence, burping, constipation, diarrhoea, IBS etc on a regular, if not daily basis. It is great to get symptomatic relief and many natural supplements can help achieve that short-term relief from feeling uncomfortable.  [...]

Digestive Disturbances Troubling You?2020-10-29T08:21:46+00:00

Food Intolerances & Food Allergy | What is the Difference?


I have been working with food intolerances and food allergies for close to 10 years, even longer if you count working with my own. I get asked a lot of questions on this topic so I will go through the differences between a food intolerance/sensitivity vs food allergy, what symptoms would indicate testing, the different [...]

Food Intolerances & Food Allergy | What is the Difference?2020-08-28T07:42:08+00:00

What is Intermittent Fasting?


by Megan Crockart | Balancing Nutrition The term Intermittent Fasting (IF) has been around since 2012, although fasting of various types has been around since at least 5th century BC or longer and is regularly performed by many religions. The term IF means that we fast for a certain period of time each day eg. [...]

What is Intermittent Fasting?2020-06-29T04:18:01+00:00

Why Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum Is a Superhero for Digestive Function


Dietary fibre & prebiotics are cementing themselves as essential components to long term health & well-being. Science is beginning to confirm that without these dietary inclusions, there may be a considerable detriment to our health & subsequent increases in chronic disease risk. It's a very interesting time in the field of clinical research, especially in [...]

Why Partially Hydrolysed Guar Gum Is a Superhero for Digestive Function2019-08-06T05:36:27+00:00

Why Dietary Fibre Is The Key To Long-Term Health


What is Dietary Fibre? Dietary fibre is the part in fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, cereals and legumes that is not digestible by humans.  It is also known as roughage and passes through the digestive tract and along the way it soaks up toxins and carries them out of the body. Types of Dietary Fibre & [...]

Why Dietary Fibre Is The Key To Long-Term Health2019-05-29T22:56:44+00:00
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