Cheesy Kale & Cashew Salad (Vegan, GF, DF)


  Makes 2-4 serves Ingredients 1 large bunch of kale (finely chopped) 2 cloves of garlic (minced) + 1 large clove (grated) Good quality olive oil (4 tbsp. for dressing + 5tspn for rolling) 1 cup raw cashews (roughly chopped) 4 tsp Nutritional Yeast flakes (we like Braggs) 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice Salt & [...]

Cheesy Kale & Cashew Salad (Vegan, GF, DF)2017-09-21T05:44:25+00:00

Go-to, quick-and-easy, 'I've-got-nothing-planned-for-dinner' favorites from the VIVE team


Mindy Duncan (Naturopath) My go-to, quick & easy, meal I can prepare with my eyes-closed, with whatever left over veggies I have in the fridge is my 'Lentil Bolognese'. I always have tinned beans, lentils & tomatoes on hand as they are such versatile staples that I can easily prepare nutritious & satisfying meals from. Every single [...]

Go-to, quick-and-easy, 'I've-got-nothing-planned-for-dinner' favorites from the VIVE team2017-03-31T05:08:10+00:00
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