How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha


At Vive we absolutely adore Kombucha! Not only is it super refreshing (especially this time of year) & delicious but its contains a wide variety of gut loving bacteria & enzymes which assist in the maintenance of a healthy digestive tract. Ingredients 1 cup Organic Raw Sugar** 5-8 Organic Black Tea Bags (green tea or [...]

How to Make Your Own Gut Loving Kombucha2018-11-16T08:08:03+00:00

Daily habits for keeping your gut healthy with the VIVE team


This month the team at VIVE share their daily routines for optimising and maintaining gut health. If you suffer from any kind of gastroinstinal disorder, fixing the microbiome of the gut is a crucial step on the road to recovery. Fixing the root of the problem could also prevent a myriad of other disorders from [...]

Daily habits for keeping your gut healthy with the VIVE team2017-03-02T06:59:16+00:00
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