What is Intermittent Fasting?


by Megan Crockart | Balancing Nutrition The term Intermittent Fasting (IF) has been around since 2012, although fasting of various types has been around since at least 5th century BC or longer and is regularly performed by many religions. The term IF means that we fast for a certain period of time each day eg. [...]

What is Intermittent Fasting?2020-06-29T04:18:01+00:00

Theories of Aging | Why Do We Want to Know This


Written by Marilyn Lemaire | Naturopath & Master Herbalist Aging is happening to all of us.   My peer group, the “Baby Boomers” are reaching the time of their lives when they are the new “Senior’s”. The Health Care System is afraid of the impact our health will have on the government ‘s health budget.  As [...]

Theories of Aging | Why Do We Want to Know This2019-08-31T00:17:04+00:00

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease


By Marilyn Lemaire, Co-Owner and Naturopath at VIVE   Prolonged Sitting Gardiner (4) conducted a study with 1,958 Australian individuals between the ages of 60-69 to evaluate the effects of prolonged sitting on Metabolic Syndrome.  The results showed that prolonged sitting in women led to a decrease in the HDL cholesterol, poorer glucose tolerance, and [...]

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease2016-08-23T06:26:19+00:00
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