Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It


by Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) The Australian Diabetic website states: “PreDiabetes is a condition that affects approximately 2,000,000 Australians and it has no signs or symptoms”.  It is a serious condition that can lead to Type II Diabetes unless it is successfully managed.  The condition is diagnosed when an individual has higher than normal “blood [...]

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It2018-01-27T05:17:16+00:00

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease


By Marilyn Lemaire, Co-Owner and Naturopath at VIVE   Prolonged Sitting Gardiner (4) conducted a study with 1,958 Australian individuals between the ages of 60-69 to evaluate the effects of prolonged sitting on Metabolic Syndrome.  The results showed that prolonged sitting in women led to a decrease in the HDL cholesterol, poorer glucose tolerance, and [...]

How "Sitting Syndrome" Contributes to Chronic Metabolic Disease2016-08-23T06:26:19+00:00
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