Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It


by Marilyn Lemaire (Master Herbalist) The Australian Diabetic website states: “PreDiabetes is a condition that affects approximately 2,000,000 Australians and it has no signs or symptoms”.  It is a serious condition that can lead to Type II Diabetes unless it is successfully managed.  The condition is diagnosed when an individual has higher than normal “blood [...]

Pre-Diabetes | The Epidemic We All Need To Be Aware Of & What We Can Do To Prevent It2018-01-27T05:17:16+00:00

Do you have “Sitting Syndrome”?


By Marilyn Lemaire   Is it possible that a simple change like “Standing more” could increase life span by years?   There are many recognized addictive behaviors but most of us would have never considered that an addiction to sitting could be having a serious impact on our life span.   The Mayo clinic reports [...]

Do you have “Sitting Syndrome”?2016-05-30T03:34:08+00:00
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