What is the Difference Between 'Practitioner Only' & 'Over-the-Counter' Supplements?


A common question we get asked at Vive is what the differences between ‘Over-the-Counter’ (OTC)  and ‘Practitioner Only’ (PO) products are. There are some important differences with regards to quality & efficacy between them that are important to discuss. As practitioners, we care deeply about efficacy, safety & prescribing reliable, quality formulas that have evidence to back [...]

What is the Difference Between 'Practitioner Only' & 'Over-the-Counter' Supplements?2021-02-03T23:40:38+00:00

Are All Supplements Really Created Equally?


by Megan Crockart (Balancing Nutrition) There are so many supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, oil supplements etc) on the market it can be mind boggling. In 2017, research was undertaken to get an idea of the supplement use in Australia and we are one of the bigger consumers spending AU$646 million in 2013! But are [...]

Are All Supplements Really Created Equally?2019-10-25T01:10:04+00:00
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