How our response to threat can help us understand how we might be feeling in the pandemic


I have previously written about our body’s automatic responses to threat. I am re-sharing that article below and will add some more information specific to our current experiences. People I work with are often very confused about themselves and why they do what they do, for instance continue to smoke, overeat or eat unhealthy foods, [...]

How our response to threat can help us understand how we might be feeling in the pandemic2022-04-29T23:49:19+00:00

Two Different Ways of Thinking | Part 2 | Neurocounselling


Katina is the author of the soon to be published book – Neurocounselling: Using Modern Counselling Skills and Neuroplasticity to Achieve Life Changing Results.  The book is written for practitioners in the wellness industry. Katina has been teaching the Diploma of Counselling for the past 10 years and is also a mental health accredited social worker and [...]

Two Different Ways of Thinking | Part 2 | Neurocounselling2018-07-13T01:27:43+00:00
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