Total Wellness Program


Are your health and wellness goals for 2017 on track? This could be the perfect opportunity for a check-in. If you are unsure, or overwhelmed about where to begin, these Complete Wellness Programs are perfect for you. We’ve teamed up with Cultivate Calm Yoga to offer you a holistic and tailor made wellness plan. Whether [...]

Total Wellness Program2017-01-31T00:38:04+00:00

Body Composition Analysis with Nutritionist Megan Crockart


By Nutritionist Megan Crockart   In more recent times people have become aware, probably in due to different TV shows, that there are machines and programs now that can show you what your body is composed of. We are no longer limited by just scales and height and BMI to assess someone’s healthy weight.  A [...]

Body Composition Analysis with Nutritionist Megan Crockart2016-10-31T04:59:02+00:00
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