How To Prevent Dry Winter Skin


Zoe Satara | Clinical Nutritionist Our skin reflects our internal health. From what goes into the body to how the body processes it. In holistic medicine, dietary changes provide key nutrients beneficial for skin & tissue health, promoting clearer complexion, hydration, decreased redness and inflammation, wound healing, hormone control such as blood sugar (glycaemic) levels [...]

How To Prevent Dry Winter Skin2020-07-17T05:58:45+00:00

Tips to beating dry skin this winter


As winter approaches and its cold dry air wreaks havoc on your daily routine, you will also notice subtle changes in your skin. The change in outdoor temperature and warm indoor climate will trigger rosy cheeks, dryness, tautness and often ashiness. People with normal, combination or oily skin will feel their skin getting drier. Those [...]

Tips to beating dry skin this winter2015-05-17T06:25:19+00:00
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