Immunity to Change


By Katina Gleeson | Clinical Hypnotherapist & Mental Health Accredited Social Worker   Authors Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey have written a book with a title that for me powerfully expresses frustrations many people experience: “Immunity to Change”.  In their book they discuss the paradox of how even the most willing people are often [...]

Immunity to Change2017-02-28T01:05:01+00:00

Building Supportive Habits and Hypnosis


Katina Gleeson | Hypnotherapist   I remember going to gym and tearing the bicep tendon in my right arm.  The pain was excruciating and the injury took months to heal.  My memory now of that time is the struggle I had in learning to brush my teeth with my left arm. Pain forced me to [...]

Building Supportive Habits and Hypnosis2016-10-31T05:18:38+00:00
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