Chewy Almond Butter Bars


These delicious bars are from the lovely Liz and Kath at Simple Nourishment, a fantastic recipe to prepare for back-to-school lunch boxes or for an indulgent afternoon work snack. We can't wait to give these a try!   "Our passion is simple, fast, nutritious snack food that doesn’t compromise on taste and that can keep [...]

Chewy Almond Butter Bars2016-07-03T01:47:47+00:00

Traditional Sauerkraut Recipe (wild fermentation)


Ingredients: 1 x medium cabbage finely shreded 1 - 2 tbsp Murray river Sea Salt 2 Tsp Caraway Seeds Method: combine ingredients in a large clean mixing bowl massage cabbage thoroughly with hands to release juices transfer cabbage to clean jars or crock, pressing down firmly until the brine covers the cabbage use a clean [...]

Traditional Sauerkraut Recipe (wild fermentation)2015-08-06T07:18:18+00:00

Are Fermented Foods just a Fad?


You would need to be living under a rock if you were not aware that fermented/cultured food is all the go at the moment.  On social media there are people taking pictures of their home-made fermented products, the paleo people are talking about them, in your health food store there are fermented products ready to [...]

Are Fermented Foods just a Fad?2015-08-04T05:57:29+00:00

Raw Food Isn't A Raw Deal – Here's Why We Love it!


If you’ve heard about raw food and assumed it’s just uncooked food. You are correct. Sort of. Raw food is uncooked food, but technically speaking, it is food that hasn’t been heated above 46 degrees centigrade (115 degrees Fahrenheit). So while it can mean uncooked foods, the more accepted definition is that raw food is [...]

Raw Food Isn't A Raw Deal – Here's Why We Love it!2015-04-04T14:49:22+00:00
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