Slow Cooked Organic Turkey Shanks | A Warming Winter Dish


Through-out winter we love nothing more than coming home to the smell of a slow-cooked meal. There truly is nothing that beats that aroma. This turkey number is the perfect healthy & nourishing comfort food. Turkey is one of our favourite animal proteins here at Vive. Naturally low in fat & rich in tryptophan, an [...]

Slow Cooked Organic Turkey Shanks | A Warming Winter Dish2019-07-01T00:27:55+00:00

Winter Warmer Cleansing Broth


Ingredients 2 litres water 1 medium carrot 2 celery stalks 1 medium brown onion 4 tsp Hilde Hemmes Vegetable Broth 1 tsp (per serve) Unpasturised Miso 2 tsp Braggs Nutritional Yeast Sea Chanti Chilli Seaweed Crisps Directions Finely dice carrot, onion and celery. Saute on medium heat until veggies become soft and onion is translucent. [...]

Winter Warmer Cleansing Broth2015-06-26T02:50:06+00:00
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