2 litres water
1 medium carrot
2 celery stalks
1 medium brown onion
4 tsp Hilde Hemmes Vegetable Broth
1 tsp (per serve) Unpasturised Miso
2 tsp Braggs Nutritional Yeast
Sea Chanti Chilli Seaweed Crisps
Finely dice carrot, onion and celery. Saute on medium heat until veggies become soft and onion is translucent. Add water and stir in Hilde Hemmes vegetable broth. Simmer for 10 mins.  Remove from heat and stir in Miso with Sea Shanti Seaweed Crips (added to taste).
Serve and sprinkle over with Braggs Savoury Yeast.
Note: Adding miso and yeast flakes after broth has boiled will preserve nutirents.
Note: for a protein rich option add firm or silken tofu. For something a little more Japanese try adding finely sliced wagu prior to serving (partly frozen wagu is easier to finely slice).