Golden Mylk Latte


Turmeric is gaining a lot of attention at the moment! This therapeutic herb boasts anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and neuroprotective properties. Turmeric can be easily adapted into any diet, used in meals, baking, smoothies, and hot drinks - like this delicious Golden Mylk Latte.   What you'll need... - 1/2 cup coconut milk (full cream dairy works [...]

Golden Mylk Latte2016-05-01T03:51:44+00:00

Chocolate Almond Date Balls


Recipe by Nutritionist Megan Crockart - This is one of my favourite easy ball recipes to make for a quick tasty snack. Makes approx 25 2 cups almonds (skins on) 2 cups medjool dates (pitted) 2/4 cup raw cacao 2 tablespoons coconut oil Dessicated coconut for dusting Place all ingredients into a food processor and [...]

Chocolate Almond Date Balls2015-09-06T23:11:24+00:00

Winter Warmers To Keep You Healthy


Keeping our family healthy during winter and finding organic warming foods can be a tough gig. That’s why it is so good to know that there are plenty of healthy and organic products available, which not only taste great, but also are able to give our immune system a fabulous boost. So if you are [...]

Winter Warmers To Keep You Healthy2015-06-26T06:19:21+00:00

Convenient Paleo Snack Ideas


If you have decided to change your lifestyle and embark on a Paleo diet, there are lots of Paleo meal ideas easily available on the Internet. Although between meals you might find yourself suffering 3:30itis so you will also want some healthy Paleo snacks lined up for when temptation strikes. The problem is that most [...]

Convenient Paleo Snack Ideas2015-04-23T22:51:34+00:00

Gluten free snacks – tartlets


While many people believe that “gluten free foods” and “baking” are phrases that should not be uttered in the same sentence, there are some great products available that don’t compromise taste or quality – like the ingredients for these scrumptious gluten free tartlets! The gluten free cases can be made ahead of time and frozen [...]

Gluten free snacks – tartlets2014-11-07T03:34:22+00:00

Salad in a Jar, an easy everyday salad creation.


So in our adventures online for nutrition and how to keep the everyday cooking spicy/varied.  We came across this blog post by Cassie from Back To Her Roots.  It is her exploration of something that is trending on Pinterest at the moment.  But she isn't the only one using the salad in a jar concept [...]

Salad in a Jar, an easy everyday salad creation.2014-01-14T03:13:08+00:00

Raw Strawberry Tartlets


Healthy and tasty. Makes 15 tartlets Ingredients: Almond Base: 1 tsp coconut oil 1 cup almonds 5 medjool dates, pitted 1/4 cup desiccated coconut 1 Tbsp raw cacao powder A good pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla essence (the real stuff) 1 Tbsp peanut butter 1 Tbsp water Strawberry Filling: 10 strawberries + [...]

Raw Strawberry Tartlets2013-12-03T22:44:30+00:00

Byron Chai Indian Spiced Tea


Byron Chai Spiced Tea It seems that Chai is all the rage at the moment and has been for a few years now. Chai lattes are now commonplace among the cafe scene. I didn't actually enjoy chai when I first had it years ago when I was a hard core coffee addict, but [...]

Byron Chai Indian Spiced Tea2013-07-29T01:51:21+00:00

Black Adder Tea


Mmmm liquorice tea. (BBC)  I've never been a huge fan of liquorice flavour, especially as a kid. Thank goodness we grow up and out taste buds develop because I can't even begin to imagine a world without my favourite tea of all time, Black Adder. I discovered it by accident one day when [...]

Black Adder Tea2013-07-03T06:29:10+00:00

Organic Popcorn – anytime..


They have a salty version too. Cobbs Organic Popcorn Who doesn't love popcorn when sitting down to watch a good movie? Can't be bothered to cook your own the old fashioned way for a healthy popcorn? Or want a healthier version than those microwave popcorn varieties that are full of fat, salt, artificial [...]

Organic Popcorn – anytime..2013-06-29T00:59:35+00:00
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