In the last 10 years of running Vive Health, we have observed more and more people becoming increasingly aware of how their health and well-being can impact the quality and enjoyment of life. We love that people are motivated to get healthier!
Next year is no exception; it’s shaping up to be another health focussed year. Here are the top 10 health food trends for 2016.

1. Plant-Based Protein

Registered nutritionist Jaclyn London in an interview with Women’s Health explained that a plant-based diet is not a vegan diet or weight loss diet. It’s a focus on getting your protein needs from plant-based foods rather than opting for red meat or white meat. Consuming bigger portions of vegetables, legumes, nuts, beans, and even healthy whole grains can satisfy protein needs so you can reduce your meat intake.

2. Minimally Processed Food 

Higher numbers of consumers want garden-fresh and untainted food products and so have become smarter about purchasing processed food. Whenever they need to purchase ready-to-eat, canned, packed, or frozen items in supermarkets, they will closely inspect product labels and ingredients lists before buying. There will also be a higher proportion of people having second thoughts about purchasing processed foods and will settle for the “minimally processed” option.

3. Nourishing Meals for Kids 

A trend we’ve seen grow over the years, this will continue in 2016. More parents will be mindful when planning and preparing their kids meals and snacks, and will serve a variety of nutritious non-processed foods. Check out our post “Top 7 Healthy Meal Ideas for Fussy Kids” for inspiration.

4. Locally Grown Produce 

We’ve seen the ‘buy local’ movement grow in recent times, and this will continue to be a focus next year. Locally grown foods benefits the environment, supports the local economy, and is more nutritious, flavourful and fresh. Locally cultivated and harvested products provide more assurance of food safety and nutrition as opposed to imported products.
Top 10 Health Food Trends for 2016

5. Sustainably Sourced Meat & Seafood

Just like the benefits of locally grown produce, these sustainable meat and seafood are set to be very much in vogue when dining out and eating in, in the coming year. More restaurants are modifying their menus to incorporate ethical meat and seafood options and cultivating pride in serving local sustainably-sourced ingredients.

6. Organic Foods

According to a recent study, one of the strengths of eating organic is that it lessens exposure to toxins and health issues that arise from exposure to chemical pesticides. Likewise, organic food is often sold locally, resulting in constant availability of fresh chemical-free produce in the market, which usually tastes better than those that have been frozen, shipped, and transported across long distances.
Top 10 Health Food Trends for 2016

7. African and Middle Eastern Flavours

National Restaurant Association surveyed 1,575 professional chefs and they voted that African and Middle Eastern cuisines will rank as the top anticipated menu favourite in the coming year.

8. Artisanal Beverages & Ethnic Cuisines & Condiments 

Different types of foods and beverages that reflect certain race and culture are also expected to top the health food list. Authentic spices, fermented condiments, dressings, ingredients, and other ethnic-inspired delights are expected to boom next year.

9. Fresh & Homemade Sausages 

Although it takes time, there is a growing number of people interested in preparing sausages at home. A savoury blend of herbs, spices, and lean meat makes for delicious home-made sausages. Keep your eyes peeled for food blogger recipes for Hungarian, German, Polish and Italian home-made sausages.

10. Chef-Driven Fast-Casual concepts

With the evolution of chef-like menus in many restaurants and the exposure of chef-driven cooking shows, people will seek healthier platters, speedier services, and improved dining experiences.
Now over to you: What food trends do you expect in 2016? Are there any other health food trends that you think should be on this list? Please leave a comment below.