As many of you know, at VIVE we love making herbal formulas to support the health of our customers.
Matt, Mindy, Georgie, Linda and Marilyn are Herbalists that have years of experience with the strength and ability of herbs to support wellness.
We now have an herbal dispensary with herbs that are not in alcohol but in a glycerine base.  They do the same work by providing strength suitable to children and they taste much more pleasant.

Herbal Dispensary for Children

We strive to support a child’s immune system as it is the key to a happy and robust child.  A strong immune system also makes them more able to resist getting unwell and if they do get sick, it helps them recover more quickly.
We are very excited to have built our herbal dispensary for children.  We are happy to be able to make formulas for the following:

  • Immune system – Immune enhancing herbs are important in treating acute infections and also in prevention. Our important herbs are Echinacea, Holy Basil (Tulsi) and Astragalus .  We also recommend the use of YEP (Yarrow, Elder and Peppermint) tea for that first stage of being unwell and also to support children who present with a Fever.


  • Coughs – Treating coughs in children with herbs is formulated so that the herbs help support the body’s healing process that work on resolving the infection, mucous and inflammation as well as support the immune system.  Herbs that we have in our dispensary are Thyme (helps fight infection & breaks up mucous) Marshmallow root (has a soothing & anti inflammatory action), Nigella (anti allergy action) and Mullein (helps break up mucous and make it easier to cough it up).


  • Anxiety & Stress – Giving herbs to a child experiencing stress provides a support and is not intended to solve the problem but it can provide a buffer from the stress at a time when needed. Chamomile (the classic children remedy for calming and also helping with digestion for  experiencing stress), Withania (supports child in times of stress & recovery from illness) and Lemon Balm (used in conjunction with Chamomile & Magnesium for insomnia)

Please come and have a chat with us if you want to have herbal treatment for your child.  We are not limited to what I have written above as we have numerous herbal teas and nutritional supports.  We are always happy & eager to offer support.

Marilyn Lemaire is a Master Herbalist with over 30 years experience. Marilyn is very passionate about preventative health care and supporting optimal well-being at every age. Marilyn has co-owned & run Vive Health for over 15 years.