Hi I am Nicki and I am very excited to join the Vive team! I’m a qualified counsellor and my special interests span from trauma and grief counselling to proactive mental wellness creation. In each and every client counselling session my goal is to help my clients become more resilient, and to empower them with simple tools so that they can achieve the change they desire, find more calm and clarity and live a life with much meaning and purpose.
I provide a safe, calming environment for when a client takes the courageous step of engaging with a time in their life where their normal coping mechanisms were overwhelmed, and they were traumatised as a consequence. My approach to facilitating a client’s process of resolving trauma draws from methods that (1) utilise our innate abilities to calm the nervous system, such as Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) and Simple Energy Technique (SET), (2) incorporate mindfulness, as used in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and (3) access our individual intuitive processes that naturally reveal the next steps needed for change (tapped into with Inner Relationship Focusing). Each of these methods incorporate the intelligence of our bodies, as it is impossible to resolve trauma whilst focusing only on the mind or emotions.
Life experience led me to complete a Masters in Suicide Prevention (Suicidology) in 2013 and following this I moved away from the research arena and instead became passionate about empowering parents with tools to help their children build resilience. I believe we need to approach our children’s emotional and mental wellness proactively and with prevention in mind. The Resilience Doughnut is a simple yet effective tool in which I am trained, which can be used to identify an individual’s strengths, creatively enhance those strengths, and empower the individual to understand where to draw external resources from during challenging times. If our children are more resilient they can better cope with life’s challenges and times of adversity, and even do so creatively and with optimism, as opposed to turning to drugs, self-destructive/numbing habits or sink into despair and hopelessness.
If a parent can first develop their own resilience, then consciously promote their child’s resilience as they grow towards adulthood, we can create more resilient communities and the flow on effect can be significant. I encourage you to contact me if enhancing your child’s emotional resilience is important to you; in just one session you can feel much more empowered and knowledgeable in how to actively support your child to develop resilience and have some protection from stress or adversity. Likewise, if you are needing assistance in adjusting to the loss of a loved one, are suicide bereaved and need support, or are seeking to invest in resolving a past traumatic experience, please contact me or make a booking. Thank you.
To find out more about Nicki – Click here
To make an appointment with Nicki – Click here