Staying warm and healthy.

Poached Pears in Sugar Free Syrup

Serves 4

4 Buerre Bosc pears

Lemon juice

1 cup xylitol

6 cups water

1 Vanilla bean pod

1 Cinnamon stick

  1. Peel each pear starting from the stem and peeling downwards. Drizzle each pear with a little lemon juice to help from going brown while you prepare the other pears.
  2. Put the cup of xylitol with the 6 cups of water into a saucepan over medium heat and stir until the xylitol has dissolved. Increase heat to high and simmer for 2 minutes.
  3. Split the vanilla bean in half and scrap the seeds into the xylitol mixture along with the halved vanilla bean. Break the cinnamon stick in half and add to xylitol mixture.
  4. Add the pears to the poaching liquid and simmer, covered with a square of baking paper for 15-20 mins or until tender. Turn occasionally to ensure even cooking.
  5. Serve pear warm with some of the poaching liquid.

I don’t know about you but I love having my favourite recipes stuck on the wall near where I am cooking so here is a printable version for you to do just that with.Poached Pears in Sugar Free Syrup