As a qualified Naturopath it is Alex’s passion to help his clients achieve optimal health and quality of life. Over the past two years, as part of the awesome Vive Health team, he has helped numerous people living a healthier and happier life. However health is only one of many aspects of a happy life. Love, healthy relationships, family, learning, exercise, success in your job, a balance of work and leisure, spiritual connections, and sorted finances are other important parts of our life (see the example of a Wheel of Life below).
As an integrated life coach Alex combines his medical knowledge with life skills, elements of NLP (neuro linguistic programming) and traditional coaching techniques. Decades of learning, change, and a commitment to doing what he loves, rather than following conventions have made him an understanding teacher, listener and coach. Alex has moved from Switzerland to New Zealand in 1995 and to Brisbane in 2011. He trained as a surveying draftsman, civil engineer, registered nurse, anaesthetic nurse, advanced paramedic, travel agent, business owner/operator, life coach, and naturopath. He realises that what matters in life is not where you stand, but in what direction you are moving. It is his passion to help you find the direction which is right for you. Natural remedies, supplements and especially Bach Flower Essences support your efforts and speed up the process.
An example of a Wheel of Life (what does yours look like?):

life_wheelOn the scale of each spoke, you mark where you see yourself in terms of accomplishment in this area. When you connect these marks you ideally receive a round figure, but most people get a pretty uneven “wheel” which produces a bumpy ride. Often one or more aspects are significantly falling behind and need attention; see example of a filled in (different style) wheel of life below:

wheel-of-lifeAlex realises that health is the base for all other aspects of a happy life. Most people employ the help of a health professional such as a GP or a natural health practitioner to cover that base. Not as many people however realise that all the other aspects need attention too and that it is often not so easy to improve them without professional help. Personal Trainers are quite commonly engaged to improve physical fitness, but the mental and emotional side is ignored. This is where your Life Coach comes in as a kind of personal trainer for your life, helping you perform at your very best. In your coaching sessions you get to spend time working out what you really want in your life within a safe, supportive coaching structure, talking with a coach whose only agenda is your success and happiness. Coaching questions act as a catalyst to your thought processes. You will fully explore your dreams and ambitions then form a plan of action to achieve them, having considered various new options and ideas.

Similar to personal training, the coaching relationship provides accountability, support and encouragement. Information acquired from identifying and prioritising your values, and then examining whether you are living in accordance with them, enables you to live an authentic, purposeful life, which is the key to happiness.

You will gain some personal insights into your beliefs, behaviour and motivation. It provides you with tools and techniques to silence your inner critic, boost your confidence, maximise your potential and function at your best. You can plan a better future and bring balance to your life, i.e. make your “Wheel of Life” rounder, giving you a smoother ride.

Life coaching however is not therapy and it is not about uncovering, analysing and healing issues in your emotional past. That is the area of a counsellor, not a coach. Your coach is not walking the path for you, but rather shows you the way.

So, are you ready to be coached? It requires a willingness to identify areas of your life which need attention, to implement change and to honestly assess your values and beliefs. It is a commitment on both sides, from yourself and your coach. The outcome will be awesome!

For the readers of this newsletter, there is a special introductory offer:
Subscribe to 4 coaching sessions with me and receive your first one free (4 sessions for the price of 3). Sessions are 50 minutes each and cost $95. Normally you will have one meeting per week, or at least every fortnight. As you progress, we may only have to meet once a month or even less.
Note: Supplements and Bach Flower Essences are not included and can be purchased at Vive Health Shop.

For more information about Alex’s clinical practice or to make an appointment click here.