Here are some happy client’s that undertook Nutritionist Megan Crockart’s 4 week detox program this year and what they had to say about it:
Mother of 2 small children, 33 – “I have to say I was so pleased with the detox plan you devised for me. I’m really pleased with the end results also. I have to say what I liked most about it was that it wasn’t extreme in any way and it is definitely easy for anyone to follow and stick to, whilst also providing fantastic results! I also like that I have been able to adopt some of the eating habits learned from the detox plan into my everyday life (such as warm lemon water upon waking and remaining dairy/gluten free). I’ll definitely be recommending your detox plan to my friends and family.”
Female, 59 –“I am so pleased that I signed up for Megan’s Detox Programme earlier this year. The results far exceeded my expectations, and seeing the difference in my body composition after just 4 weeks has really motivated me to maintain the changes to my diet and lifestyle. The benefits have amazed me.”
Working mum, 33 – “This was the first detox I had ever done as many I had read about in the past seemed a little extreme. I have a big appetite and the last thing I wanted was to feel hungry all the time! Thankfully I learnt that detox doesn’t necessarily equal deprivation. Megan’s detox plan is common sense, healthy eating, with changes you can comfortably adopt as life long habits. Megan’s program isn’t run as a one size fits all method. She takes into account your individual health requirements and lifestyle situation. I have a number of food allergies that had to be considered and being a busy working mother I didn’t have time to prepare any complicated meals. I am so happy to say that the commitment to Megan’s Detox Plan was totally worth it! In just 4 weeks my body is now less acidic, I have lost 3kg of body fat and more importantly my energy levels are better than they have been in a long time! Thank you Megan for not only helping me achieve these results, but for giving me the knowledge and skills to maintain better health through nutrition for the long term.”
Male, corporate traveller, 50 – “Megan communicated the detox program well and the choice of foods has been perfect for me, taking in account all the travel I do for work. I enjoyed the regular catch ups and discussions and overall found the program to be flexible, yet gave me the results I was after.”
For more information on Megan’s detox program email her
For more information about Megan, click here.