By Megan Crockart
There was recent media attention on IBS and how eating a low FODMAPs diet can help with the symptoms of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). There was emphasis that the best person to see for this condition is a dietician. Having no disrespect for dieticians but as a natural therapy trained nutritionist Megan can also help assist with IBS complaints as can fellow naturopaths. IBS symptoms can be caused by many different things, even though there is no clear evidence of the exact cause.
Pic for Megans Article ibsEating a low FODMAPs diet (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols) can be very beneficial for some people as the molecules found in these foods may not be digested very well and can be a cause of digestive issues such as: abdominal bloating and distension; excess wind (flatulence); abdominal pain; nausea; diarrhoea; constipation (or both) and possible other gastro-intestinal symptoms. These symptoms usually are labelled as IBS.
The molecules that need to be avoided if excess FODMAPs is a trigger for IBS are those with excess FRUCTOSE, FRUCTANS, LACTOSE, GALACTO-OLIGOSACCHARIDES AND POLYOLS. These are in some but not all: fruits; vegetables; grains; dairy and legumes. Some of the main foods that tend to cause symptoms can include apples; pears; watermelon; onion; garlic; cabbage; mushrooms; wheat and rye; dairy foods (due to the lactose); kidney beans; baked beans and cashews to name a few.
Some people’s IBS has no relation to these particular foods and they can eat them with no problem whatsoever. Also there is no hard and fast rule on FODMAPs foods in that removing some excess FODMAPs foods can help with symptoms and others make no difference. Eg one person may not be able to tolerate onion and garlic and someone else may be able to tolerate these foods, but not fruits and other saccarides.
As a holistic practitioner Megan looks at every angle not just food. Other things that can contribute to IBS symptoms can include stress, low stomach acid, imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the gut as well as certain food intolerances/allergies. There isn’t just one solution for everyone for IBS symptoms in the form of a low FODMAPs diet (although for many this can be very beneficial).
Megan specialises in digestive problems including IBS symptoms, so please contact her if you would like a consultation to discuss any symptoms you may have.
Mobile: 0417 679 287