Work makes up a big portion of our day and it is common to feel drained, burnt out and sluggish from the day.  Finding ways to stay energetic, productive and motivated are essential to our well being and happiness.
Below are 9 organic food suggestions that will help to boost your productivity and overall focus.

1. Leafy Greens

9 Organic Foods to Increase Your Workplace Productivity
Fresh green veggies like broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and kale are rich in fibre along with its vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that slow down the process of memory decline, not to mention their ability to reduce your brain age by up to two years.  As well these foods have a high alkalinity which helps boost energy, slow the ageing process down, keep the mind sharp and protect you against many chronic diseases.
Tip: Baked salmon and stir-fry organic veggies has loads of nutrients and makes for a healthy meal. This combo can give you an instant boost, something that can help to keep you going all day long.

2. Blueberries

Ideal for increasing memory and preventing Alzheimer’s and dementia, fresh blueberries are high in antioxidants. Berries are also a great for regeneration of cells – enhancing certain connections among brain cells.

3. Avocado

Known as a natural stimulant, avocados aid in proper blood flow, helps to fire up brain cells, and increases memory, concentration and overall focus.

4. Dark Chocolate

Healthier than its milk chocolate counterpart, dark chocolate increases brainpower and energy levels. With its antioxidant properties, it naturally provides stress relief, rewarding you with a clearer mind and vigour. It will also increase the production of endorphins, giving you increased focus, concentration and also improve visual memory. Have a 85% Loving Earth bar next time you feel like something sweet.

5. Nuts

Excellent source of amino acids and vitamin E, nuts like almonds and walnuts are great antioxidants that boost memory and brain performance. Giving you a healthy mix of protein and fat, nuts are also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that perk up your memory, concentration and brain-processing speed.
9 Organic Foods to Increase Your Workplace Productivity

6. Yogurt

A daily cup of yogurt does wonders to one’s health. Its dose of protein, calcium, minerals and probiotics (“friendly bacteria”) keep your digestive tract working perfectly while giving your immune system a boost.

7. Green Tea

Its neuroprotective effects, fibre and polyphenols that strengthen the nervous system have made green tea a popular drink. Each calming sip also stimulates the production of alpha brain waves, reduces stress levels and regulates your body temperature. So, instead of your usual cup of coffee, pour yourself a Natures Cuppa Organics Green Tea.

8. Whole Grains

The World Health Organisation (WHO) reported that having the right ingredients can boost brainpower, mood and energy levels by up to 20 percent. Whole grains like oats and cereals are filled with vitamins and minerals, which help improve cognitive health. “Whole grains provide a source of sustained energy and digest more slowly than refined grains,” Lauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN explained. Starting your day with a cereal such as Bob’s Red Mill 100% Whole Grain Cereal may give you the energy you need to get the most out of your morning.

9. Fish

9 Organic Foods to Increase Your Workplace Productivity
A great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, wild, organic salmon, tuna and mackerel offer a handful of benefits. Studies have found that these balance blood sugar and decrease inflammation in the brain – improving its mental and intellectual functions. So next time you have a salad for lunch, try adding Fish 4 Ever Sustainably-Fished Sardines in Organic Sunflower Oil.
Including these organic foods in your diet when combined with regular physical exercise, good sleep and of course, work-life balance, can increase your brainpower, motivation and overall productivity. Give these a go if you want to see an overall improvement to your health and well-being.