Linda Cropped for 2011A Little About Me…

*Note – Linda is temporarily not taking new appointment. Please email if you have a referral or would like to be placed onto her appointment waiting list. 
Hi, I’m Linda Brown and I’m very lucky to have practiced clinical Nutrition and Naturopathy for over 20 years, with a combined biomedical and holistic approach to health. I am deeply interested in the causes of emotional health and I am driven to provide evidence-based nutritional and herbal medicine to support the biochemistry of mental wellness, primarily in adults and young adults.

Nutritional imbalances and easily preventable health risks are well established factors underpinning brain chemistry and mental wellness.

There is a fast-growing body of research into the use of complementary medicines in mental health, especially in the area of psychiatry. We have a strong need for safe, evidence based prescription of natural medicines, often in combination with pharmaceuticals, and this is the research I base my practice on.
I have a very active interest in psychoneuroimmunology and the inter-relating, transactional factors involved in mental health, specifically the nutritional/biological determinants of mental functioning, such as malnutrition, genetics, infection and endocrinology (i.e. giving your brain what it needs to function well); and the neurobiological influences of counseling, healthy relationships, and health-related behavior (in other words, how therapeutic connection with others changes our brains and biochemistry for the better). For example, resolving brain inflammation and counseling can both resolve depression, and having a sense of meaning in life as well as sufficient zinc can both regulate immune cell function.
Supportive counseling is at the core of my practice. I formalised this aspect of practice with a Graduate Diploma of Psychology in 2006, more recently a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) and Masters in Clinical Psychology, as well as training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Basically, in line with the cliché of madness in such professions, I’m mad enough to keep studying!

More importantly, you will be free to speak confidentially and authentically, without airs and graces, and enjoy unconditional respect and support.

If further support is needed, I have an extensive range of Registered Psychologist, Social Workers and other health professionals to call on.
I seek to treat all relevant aspects of wellness.  Some factors known to impact various conditions include:
•    Gut and digestive imbalances (which affect the brain in a myriad of ways, as well as all aspects of health)
•    Neurotransmitters (good brain chemistry)
•    Hormones (e.g. thyroid, adrenal, male and female)
•    Biochemical pathways (e.g. methylation pathways)
•    Thinking patterns, schemas, cognitive and coping strategies
•    Relationships of all kinds
•    Existential needs
•    Food allergy and sensitivity (e.g. IgE, IgG and IgA allergies)
•    Toxicity, such as heavy metals which alter brain function (lead, mercury or copper for example)
Image result for australian natural therapists association


Masters of Clinical Psychology
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Health Science Complementary Medicine
Adv. Dip. Naturopathy
Adv. Dip Herbal Med.
Adv. Dip Nutrition

Professional Interests…

Nutrients for mental and emotional wellness – and a good place to chat about anything
Hormones – thyroid function, adrenal fatigue, female and male hormonal health
Gastrointestinal issues and Food allergy /sensitivity
I write about food, health and psychology in my blog ‘Spoonful’ at I invite you to enjoy the cooking videos and to request articles of interest if you wish.

Booking Details…

*Linda is temporarily not taking new appointment. Please email if you have a referral or would like to be placed onto her appointment waiting list. 

If you book in to see me for a Naturopathic appointment, I will ask you to fill out a Novella-sized Questionnaire – (sorry!) – but this is to glean a session’s worth of information, and usually a day of research (all about you) before you even start. If you don’t receive this, please email me or the store and ask for this.

I will also request (or even beg) you to bring or send through any previous medical investigations for your initial appointment – even if they are a few years old.  You can call your medical clinic and ask for printed copies of blood results – most clinics prefer that you pick these up in person for legal/identity reasons.
For diagnostic accuracy, I may also refer you for further testing, which may be done privately or via your GP – I usually try to establish good working relationships with local medical professionals to make this as easy, accurate and inexpensive as possible.
To make an appointment with Linda click here or phone 3399 1002.
(Health fund rebates are available)