
Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy)
Registered Practitioner with Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA)
Currently studying Bachelor of Midwifery (Griffith University)

Professional Interests

  • Menstrual Health
  • Thyroid Health
  • Preconception & Fertility
  • Intuitive Eating & Health at Every Size
  • Chronic Stress Support
  • Peri-menopause & Menopause
  • Adolescent Hormonal Support (i.e. acne, stress & menstruation)


My philosophy

My belief around health is simple; Great health – and I’m talking about vibrant health that has you to bouncing out of bed in the morning, the kind of health that allows you experience painless regular menstrual cycles, balanced thyroid & mental health, restful sleep, strong digestion & stable daily energy levels – is how our bodies were designed to function & therefore not unrealistic to expect or strive towards.

My goal as your naturopath is to help you achieve just this & help you understand where imbalances may lie, teach you how to communicate & listen to your body, & allow you to experience optimum health & vitality. We are able to achieve this together by utilising clinical research, evidence-based naturopathic & nutritional medicine, & further investigative testing to treat accurately, holistically & individually.

I am passionate about not only health but education & fully encourage my clients to explore their potential both during & outside of consultation, giving them the confidence to make the best choices with regards to their health on a daily basis.

What to expect

Prior to your consultation I will send you a Health History Questionnaire. I ask that you please complete this form & email back to me prior to your consultation. Please also bring any recent pathology results you may have received, current medications & supplements  with you.
During an initial consultation we will delve into many aspects of your health including the functionality of your digestion, nervous system, menstrual health, stress load, immunity, mental & emotional health, lifestyle & dietary intake. It’s so important that we gather all of this information so that we are able to put the whole picture together, make connections & uncover the underlying cause of the illness. This is where true healing can occur.
Naturopathic treatment generally involves a combination of the following:

  • Herbal Medicines (using clinical evidence & traditional knowledge)
  • Holistic Nutrition (supplemental & dietary inclusions/exclusions)
  • Lifestyle modifications

How to book

To book a consultation please click here or contact Vive Clinic on (07) 3399 1002.

Contact me

Website: www.nourishnaturopathy.com.au
Email: mindy_duncan@outlook.com
I look forward to working with you!